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Here you can get the benefits of eating tomatoes every day

One of the most common fruits is tomato. Many people prefer cooking with vegetables and herbs, and others prefer cooking with raw food. In any dish, you can include tomatoes – sauces, soups, juices, salads or curries, rice, omelettes, gravel and much more. You can add tomatoes to any dish.

Tomatoes generally contain 95% water and the remainder carbohydrates and protein. Have you ever wondered how tomatoes are eating each day?

The source of vitamins

At least 40% of the vitamin C needs in the body can be provided by a tomato. Tomatoes also have vitamin A, which is very essential for the body, vision and immune system. Tomatoes also have a high content for your bones of vitamin K.

Protects heart health

A tomato called lycopene contains an antioxidant. It is said to work to protect the health of the heart. Antioxidant. Studies show that the intake of tomato products is more successful than the introduction of lycopene. According to another study, people with high blood content are less likely to experience metabolic, cardiovascular, stroke and diabetes syndrome, as a risk factor.

Skin health

For facial appeal, eat tomatoes. Tomatoes are responsible for protecting the skin from sunlight and producing pro-collagen which keeps the structure of the skin younger and lighter.

Improve vision

Tomatoes are eye-friendly. It is because tomatoes contain lycopene, lutein, and beta carotene that can protect the eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts.

Helps digestion

Tomatoes can also aid constipation people. Tomatoes contain high fibre and fluid content. But be cautious, because the cooked tomato acid can cause acne in the stomach and reflux in some individuals.

Helps fight diabetes and cancer

One way of combating noxious diseases, including diabetes and cancer, is to provide tomatoes. Tomatoes are a good diet for people with Type 2 diabetes as they can reduce the risk of free radicals and heart attacks from lipid peroxide. The risk of stomach, prostate, ovarian and lung cancer can also be reduced with Lycopene Tomatoes.

Whoever does not eat tomatoes, now begin to eat.. Good practice! Good practice!

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